Installation de jupyterHub
useradd -m -d /srv/jupyterhub jupyter
chsh jupyter
-> /usr/bin/fish
sudo -i -u jupyter
npm install -u configurable-http-proxy
python3 -m pip install --user jupyterhub
python3 -m pip install --user oauthenticator
set -U fish_user_paths ~/node_modules/.bin $fish_user_paths
set -U fish_user_paths ~/.local/bin/ $fish_user_paths
jupyterhub --generate-config
-> a copier en root dans /etc/jupyterhub
from oauthenticator.generic import GenericOAuthenticator
## Class for authenticating users.
import os
os.environ['OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL'] = ''
os.environ['OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URL'] = ''
os.environ['OAUTH2_USERDATA_URL'] = ''
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = GenericOAuthenticator
c.GenericOAuthenticator.login_service = 'Login with PPSfleet'
c.OAuthenticator.client_id = 'jupyterhub'
c.OAuthenticator.client_secret = '66d59a8e-f462-44c4-844a-e06df19120c9'
c.GenericOAuthenticator.oauth_callback_url = ''
c.GenericOAuthenticator.userdata_url = ''
c.GenericOAuthenticator.token_url = ''
c.GenericOAuthenticator.userdata_method = 'GET'
c.GenericOAuthenticator.userdata_params = {"state": "state"}
c.GenericOAuthenticator.username_key = "preferred_username"
## The public facing URL of the whole JupyterHub application.
# This is the address on which the proxy will bind. Sets protocol, ip, base_url
# Default: 'http://:8000'
c.JupyterHub.bind_url = ''
## The internal port for the Hub process.
# This is the internal port of the hub itself. It should never be accessed
# directly. See JupyterHub.port for the public port to use when accessing
# jupyterhub. It is rare that this port should be set except in cases of port
# conflict.
# See also `hub_ip` for the ip and `hub_bind_url` for setting the full bind URL.
# Default: 8081
c.JupyterHub.hub_port = 8081